Dear Dairy,
Today I saw my dad outside with an ax. I asked my mom why he had an ax and she said he was going to kill the new baby pig that was a runt! It was terrible, so I ran outside to stop him. I told him that it was injustice. He looked at me and said alright and he wanted me to go inside. So I went inside and after a little bit my dad came in with a box and it had the pig in it. My mom let me feed him with a bottle and then I went to school. At school I named him Wilbur. When I got home he followed me everywhere. I'm going to go play with him now.
Dear Diary,
Today my dad told me that Wilbur was to big for a box. We went out side and put up fences, so he had his own yard. We made him a house out of wood and left a small hole so he could go inside. Then we filled it with hay. Now Wilbur has a bigger place to live and I think he is happier too!
Dear Diary,
Today my dad told me that we have to get rid of Wilbur because he is to big for us to take care if. He told me that I should sell him to my uncle so that I would be able to see him whenever I wanted to. I thought that was the best thing to do, so I asked my dad how much I should charge for Wilbur. He said six dollars since Wilbur is a runt. I have to go call my uncle now.
Dear Diary,
My uncle said that he would take Wilbur so I have been going down to watch him everyday now. He looks like he needs a friend and since I'm not aloud to go into the pigpen I can't go play with him. I hope he finds something to do in there soon. I don't want Wilbur to be unhappy.
Dear Diary,
After listening to the animals at my uncles farm I have been able to hear them talking to each other. Who couldn't though. My uncle's farm is so quiet that you could hear anything. I'm going back tomorrow. I'm hungry right now. I'm going to go help my mom with supper.
Dear Diary,
I went to the farm today and when I got there Wilbur was talking to his new friend Charlotte. Charlotte is a spider. She is very nice to Wilbur and I think they like each other very much. I think Wilbur is ten times more happy then he used to be. He now has someone to stick up for him when the rat Templeton is mean to him. I think Charlotte is the perfect friend for Wilbur. Did you know spiders help save the world from being over come by bugs? I didn't know that either until Charlotte told us.
Dear Diary,
Today my uncle found the words 'Some pig' in Charlotte's web and Wilbur was right under it! That was Charlotte's plane so that Wilbur didn't get killed. She is so smart and I'm glad she's helping him! She says she's going to do what she can to save Wilbur so we might see a few more things in her web later on.
Dear Diary,
I'm sorry that I haven't written to you for a long time. Lots of things have been going on. As I though Charlotte wrote another word, two actually. She wrote terrific and radiant. I think Wilbur really is terrific and radiant. In a few days Wilbur, my family, and my aunt and uncle are coming. It will be some much fun! I hope Wilbur wins!
Dear Diary,
Wilbur was amazing and my aunt and uncle got some money. Charlotte died though, but Templeton got her egg sac and brought it back so that her eggs could hatch by someone close to them. I miss Charlotte though. I only wish she could have seen her children. Or died with someone, but I know she's happy that Wilbur is saved. I think she was happy she could save Wilbur before she died.