I have wanted a turtle for a long time. Ever since I was eight I had decided that a turtle was my favorite animal and was the best pet for me. So I asked my parents for a turtle. They said “Maybe if you ask for one for your birthday you'll get one.” so when my birthday came I did. On my birthday I found out they weren't able to find one so they couldn't get me one. I wasn't too sad. So the next year I asked again. Once again on my birthday they couldn't find one. Though the things I got were nice and I loved them, but I still wanted a turtle. The next year was my eleventh birthday. I was going to ask for a turtle again but I thought I should check if they have any before I asked for one for my birthday. I checked but they didn't have any. So that year I didn't ask. A few days later we went shopping for my sister's pet's supplies. You see she already got a pet for her birthday. She did almost every year. One year she got a hamster. One other year she got another hamster. Another year she got a guinea pig named Kit-cat. So when we got there I checked to see if they any had turtles. They had just gotten some a few days after my birthday. So now I am hopping to earn a turtle and the supplies that comes with it. By proving I can take care of a turtle.
I know that turtles are cold blooded, so I have to heat their aquarium a little. I also know that they like to swim a lot, so in a small part of the aquarium I should have a little pool area for the turtle to swim in. Some turtles bite and it's best not to hold the ones that do. Some people don't like having turtles that bite because then they can't hold them without getting bitten. I wouldn't mind one that bites, it just wouldn't be as fun. I know that turtles like some attention every once in a while. Some of them even like to be held. Just make sure you are holding them right. You can hold them in the palm of your hand to look at them or you can put your pointer finger and thumb on the turtle's shell. Those are the main ways to hold a turtle without hurting it.
I also know about turtle eating habits. I know that they can either have one small meal everyday or one big meal every two days. I think giving it one big meal everyday would be easier because I would feed it till it stops eating and then I would know that I'm feeding it as much as it needs. If my turtle gets fat (skin hanging over it's legs) then I should give it less foods or change the way it's eating. Turtles eat a lot, some turtles are picky though. If they refuse to eat their food offer them a different type of food. They don't like eating the same food a few days in a row. If your not feeding them enough they might become lazy or they will eat their food faster then normal turtles eat.
I think turtles are the best pets. Because like normal pets they won't run under the bed or anything because they are slow. They are also fun to watch and they aren't really slimy like some people think. It's only because they have been in water so long. Like when we first come out of water. We might not be really slimy, but that's because we have really clean water and we aren't in it as much as them. When turtles sleep out of water they aren't slimy anymore. That's because they weren't in water for a while. Some people might think that turtles are a lot of hard work. If you do everything at once they might be, the truth is they aren't as hard to take care of as everyone says. They are actually easier to take care of then hamsters or guinea pigs and some times easier then fish. Depending on if you have sibling. Siblings are a big part of what type of animal to get. I had fish and my sibling tried to get into them. They can hold a turtle though and you can also teach them to be soft with a turtle. Then they won't try to get into it as much.
I know I would do a good job taking care of a turtle and I think that a turtle would be happy to have me to take care of it. I know I would have enough time and I think I know enough to take care of one and to have one.
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