Tuesday, September 14, 2010

I drempt about being on a boat...

Tuesday, September 13, 2010

Rebekah and I were trying out so that we could get on a boat. Rebekah was trying out first, she was telling them everything she knew and we they were going to decide if she would be helpful.
They were leaving soon and Rebekah and I were the last try outs.
After a lot of convincing they let Rebekah on the boat, but they didn't think I would be any use.
I was following the leader all the way to the boat telling him how useful I could be. He still didn't want me on the boat.
"If you don't let me on the boat, I'll get on anyway." I said as they all boarded the boat.
"Fine." The captain said.
I was the last one on the boat.
It was night now and everyone was talking. All the passengers were in a corner by a tube. I didn't know what the tube was for, but everyone else did. Rebekah wasn't standing by the other passengers she was by the captain. They had become friends.
After a while our ship had bumped against something. It was a giant railing that had stopped us. There was one on the other side that was blue and the one we bumped into was red.
There was a person floating in the water between the rails who looked very angry.
"Do you know why I'm mad captain?" The guy in the water asked.
"No, why are you mad?" The captain asked.
"Because you let people like her come on the boat and put their hands on my rail." He said pointing at me and my hands.
Everyone gasped and looked at my hands. I immediately moved my hands off the rail and put them in my pocket.
The captain steered the boat away and looked at Rebekah and I.
"Rebekah, out of everyone I think you should go to the queen." He said pointing out at the island we had came to.
Rebekah went to the tube and got in. We all watched as the tube fell into the water and shot her out all the way to the island and then the tube flew back onto the boat.
"We are all going to return Rachel back to the U.S.A. and then we'll all come back to pick up Rebekah." Captain said glaring at me.
"You never tell me anything!" I yelled as I grabbed one of the life boats and a paddle and jumped off the boat.
Then the water turned very ruff. Next thing I knew Boone (From lost) had jumped off the boat with his own life boat and paddle. Since the water was so ruff I jumped out of the life boat and started swimming. Boone did the same thing except he sat on my back as I swam at super speed to the island.

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