Friday, September 3, 2010

I drempt about LOST... Again...

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Last night I fell asleep watching LOST on my iPod-touch.
I was in a hippie car with Hurley and Sayid and we stopped at a gas station for some food. We bought orange juice, doughnuts, and eggs.
When we had started to drive again I realized we didn't have the orange juice in the car.
I started to yell. "The orange juice fell out of the car back there! GO BACK! GO BACK!"
Then Hurley turned the car around and was driving on the wrong side of the road so that we could get the orange juice.
When we stopped I jumped out of the car and grabbed the orange juice then I got back in the car as fast as I could.
We then started to drive again.
Soon we all needed some fresh air, so we stopped at a museum to take a small break. Then was saw some black cars parked right next to our car and I realized that that car had been at the gas station too. We were being followed.
Even though I realized this we all still went into the museum. While we were looking at things three guys walk up to us and shot Sayid with some kind of tranquilizer.
Hurley and I thought fast and hid from the guys.
I don't remember what happened, but we had gotten Sayid back and we were all fine. We all were driving again.

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